Are you a peak performer and interested to apply latest neuroscience practices to increase your human potential? Neurofeedback and Neurostimulation trainings are currently conquering the market as safe and non-invasive methods for cultivating optimal activity patterns in the brain. Rooted in NASA astronaut training, these techniques are being embraced by high level athletes and entrepreneurs. Through brainwave activity monitoring and real-time feedback, customers learn the ability to regulate brain states and set themselves into desired states for peak performance. Such as shorter processing times, better focus, stress resilience and creative problem solving.
It has been proven that psychoplastogens open critical periods and cognitive learning windows in our brain. More growth chemicals for neuron connections are being released which enhances neuroplasticity, the ability to shape and rewire our brain. By combining augmented neuroplasticity with neuromodulation, we create an optimal environment for cognitive brain performance training. Strategic stimulation during specific time windows enables us to rewire the brain, resulting in notable improvement in mental health and productivity.
Join this 3-month program, including brain activity evaluations, cognitive training sessions, and an educational journey covering neuroscience, psychoplastogens and productivity.
The benefits of neuromodulation and psychedelics are increasingly capturing the attention of businesses. Elevating brain states for peak performers, such as CEOs and managers, holds the promise of unlocking maximum cognitive capacity, heightened focus, improved decision-making, and reduced stress levels. Furthermore, psychedelics can play a pivotal role in cultivating humane leadership, optimizing workflow states, improving team building competencies and increased malleability of our brains. The training program offers customizable modules tailored to meet specific needs of companies. This includes responsible microdosing practices designed for business professionals, neuromodulation sessions geared towards leaders, and team-building activities integrated with microdosing experiences.